Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 Where did you go?
As they say the older you get the faster life goes by....I think back at 2009 with some relief that it is over. It has been a hard year for us and many of our friends, many deaths in families of young and old friends, employment problems, financial struggles, marriages struggling, and some health issues. So I think as I sit here, I am looking forward to 2010... Just as there can be peace from last years struggles, growth from what we have learned from them, and a excitement to see what God is going to do this year..I have high hopes for 2010. Why not look at the cup 1/2 to 3/4 full. Why not expect great things. There is a CD by Phillips, Craig & Dean called Fearless. Inside the sleeve of the CD they write fearless is a statement against the tide of anxiety that's being sold by the loudest voices in our culture. Even in the face of difficult times, we need to remember to shine the light of eternal hope on the world's temporary circumstances and choose faith over fear. So this 2010, shine, shine, shine.........
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Do you ever want to say.....
Are there times in you life where you just want to tell people what you really think no matter the consequence. I struggle with that way of life regularly. Why can't everyone just think like me, look at life like me, just be me.....Wouldn't that be a tough world.....As we grow older I know we are suppose to mature, handle ourselves gracefully, and be kind, but sometimes you just want to say it like it is, get it off you chest, yell, scream and just be who you really want to be sometimes. The problem comes after you have had your say...You either hurt someones feelings, make them mad, or just completely become confused because they didn't get it...One of my goals for 2010 is to be as completely honest as possible with people and myself while also doing it with kindness, discretion and love. Sometimes its hard to do all three but with a goal in mind all things can be possible. I just have to remember to throw out me and allow God to do it all...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Winter Snow
I like the peacefulness of winter, the calm of the fallen snow, the quiet of all is still. As I get older I strive for peace, I like calm, drama dealing with humans gets under my skin. But as a Christian I know there will be times of anxiety, up-hevel, work, stress, drama, & no peace. The key is how will I handle it, will I confront it head on with love or sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away. I know there is a season for all things, However I love the calm season, the snow season when all is peaceful. My goal this year is to live in peace no matter the situation.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Simple Christmas
I love the simpleness of Christmas. We try to make it stressful. When you really think about it Christmas is a sweet, calm and joyful thing. Christ birth, a little baby boy born for you and me, no matter how crabby we are. The Christ child's birth should have a calming effect on us, 
he came here to take away our stress, our feelings of loneliness, and our fears. The birth of our savior should bring joyful thoughts for us who will have eternal life with him the risen King. Make this Christmas simple, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise. The Christ Child who was born on Christmas Day
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Time
I love snow, Christmas, Christmas Music, candy, cooking, friends - old and new, family, and the great things the Lord has done for me. Life is hard but God makes things beautiful, lovely, peaceful, joyful and easier sometimes. Enjoy the season......
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The 3 S's
Slowly, steadily,surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. Habakkuk 2:3 I know when we read scripture we are suppose to read the verse in context to the other verses around it, whom it was written for, and all the circumstance that pertain to that book. But sometimes a verse comes out of no where that just hits you between the eyes. How many of us read Habakkuk regularly..... Well this verse hit me the other night, it was in the front of one of my novels I had begun to read. I have seen in my mind our church on this piece of property we bought 5 years ago, as of today we are no closer to building our new church and we don't know why it has not taken place. We started a new business 2 years ago and truly thought that by now it would be making its payments without our own money still going into it. When I read this verse the other night, it was like to Lord was talking to me with answers that I have been looking for. Our visions for church and our business will be fulfilled, it may seem very slow but we are to wait patiently because it will happen. When we know God is in something, but things seems to happen a little slower that we hope for, lots of times we don't wait on his timing. As the first part of the verse says Slowly (requiring more time than usual), Steadily (fixed, stable, not easily moved), Surely (without fail or doubt) the vision will be fulfilled. I don't know what you are waiting on but God does and his timing is perfect, now will you wait for him......
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Holy Night
Think about the night God came down as a baby. We hear the story every year we sing the Christmas songs and yet God has revealed to me this week what a Holy Night it was. The God of the universe came to earth for each of us whether we accept him or not. He came to save us and enjoy our company. I've listened to O Holy Night since birth but as I listened to it this week I have a new feel for the the words of this song. The stars were shining brightly, it was the night of our Saviors birth. The world in all of its sin was awaken when our soul felt his arrival, There is hope, for a brand new day. The holiness of the night causes us to fall on our knees, it was a night that was prophesied before Jesus was conceived. The Baby Jesus arrived to show us to love one another, his law equals love, his Gospel equals peace, our chains are broken and all cruelty, stress, worry should cease.There is joy, gratitude, and praise for Christ is the Lord and we will praise his name forever and proclaim his power and glory for ever and ever.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Be Careful how you say it.....
Last night while talking to my mom I asked her if she knew someone who needed their teeth
x-rayed for free, Audrey needed a patient for school. She then began to ask my step-dad if he needed an x-ray. I heard him say in the background "are you talking to me" she said yes, he said then why didn't you say something so I would know, her reply "something". While I laugh at this, I also know that my mom and step-dad have had to much quality time together lately and it's starting to show. I called my sister to fill her in and she laughed and stated " I have some things to tell you" (shes been painting at their house this week). As I have thought about this today, I wonder if we think that we can hide our true feeling and emotions from our families. If we pay attention to others we usually can notice something is up, and sometimes we ourselves get caught up in the same old habits that we don't notice our harsh tone, our short answers, or quick responses. As the Holiday Season is in full swing and their will be alot of family time, I will be paying attention to my attitude, tone of my voice, and facial expression that I have, so that I can make this a peaceful, joyful and happy time. And remember you never know who may hear what you say and how you say it........
x-rayed for free, Audrey needed a patient for school. She then began to ask my step-dad if he needed an x-ray. I heard him say in the background "are you talking to me" she said yes, he said then why didn't you say something so I would know, her reply "something". While I laugh at this, I also know that my mom and step-dad have had to much quality time together lately and it's starting to show. I called my sister to fill her in and she laughed and stated " I have some things to tell you" (shes been painting at their house this week). As I have thought about this today, I wonder if we think that we can hide our true feeling and emotions from our families. If we pay attention to others we usually can notice something is up, and sometimes we ourselves get caught up in the same old habits that we don't notice our harsh tone, our short answers, or quick responses. As the Holiday Season is in full swing and their will be alot of family time, I will be paying attention to my attitude, tone of my voice, and facial expression that I have, so that I can make this a peaceful, joyful and happy time. And remember you never know who may hear what you say and how you say it........
Monday, November 30, 2009
Crowd Shoppers, We are Not.
Well I tried it. My sister, my daughter and me decided to do what we have never done before. We set our alarms and woke up at 3:30 am and went shopping. Our first stop was HHGreg, we pulled in and there were people wrapped around the building, my daughter said, I didn't bring a coat to stand outside, so our next stop, the mall. JC Penny's wasn't to bad they had a few good deals, next was Belk's. We went to the ladies show department because Audrey wanted a new pair of boots, we were there only a few minutes when she exclaimed, I can't do this, there are too many people, too many germs and I can't breathe.....So we left there went by fast food and got a biscuit and coke and headed to Kohl's. We walked in the door, laughed, decided to see how far the check-out line was, followed it around the store, probably 75-100 people deep at each check-out. But what was so amazing is, as we are following the check-out line, we go by the one lady and she is probably 50 people deep and all she had was a couple of towels. Audrey flipped out and was saying how she couldn't believe someone with any sense at all would stand in that line and wait that long for just towels. I knew then it was time to take her home and go back to bed. Our shopping tripped lasted a total of 3 hrs. My sister bought a pack of white t-shirts for her husband, I bought a coffee pot, Audrey a coat, and my mother-in-law a pocket book, Audrey left with nothing...We here back home all snuggled in our bed by 6:30 and learned that we are not crowd shoppers.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
I am also thankful for all of God's creation. When I look at this picture I see the beautiful skies, the man made creativity and am thankful God give us so many things.
We have dreams, God -given talents, and we have the ability to do many things. Do we stop and say thank you for the smell of a turkey cooking, the sight of the autumn leaves changing, or the taste of a delicious pumpkin pie. There are a lot of things we take for grant it. I just want to say thank you God for all of your provisions and for loving us when we can be so unlovable.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I did it
I accomplished pretty much my goal for the Saturday. I washed down my bedroom walls, pictures, lights, and foot boards. I finished getting up the leaves and still had time to wash clothes, clean house and watch about 4 or 5 Christmas movies in between. I enjoy being able to stay home, so that I can clean and cook at my own pace. I know it doesn't sound like I rested but trust me I got more that enough rest. By now you can probably tell I'm a little high strung. I'm a get from A to B as fast as possible kind of girl. So for me to slow down and work at my own relaxing pace did wonders for my mind, body and spirit. My goal Sunday was Church which was pretty wonderful, lunch with the kids, and relaxing watching My favorite quarterback, Payton play football and then more Christmas movies. So as you can see I am rested up for the Thanksgiving Holiday....
Friday, November 20, 2009
Out of touch
Do you ever feel out of touch? Right now I feel a little out of touch with many things, God, the holidays, church, and even people. I think alot of times it has to do with just being tired....
I don't know about you but I have been on the go alot lately and haven't gotten alot of sleep. Between the cat, Joey being gone so I couldn't sleep good, kidney stone problems and just the fact that I am getting older and sleep eludes me sometimes. I know that God is always there for me even when I don't feel it. I know that we cannot make choices based on feelings because our feelings will mess us up, especially when we are tired. I know that I have to regroup sometimes and make myself (mind & body) slow down. I don't know how hard this is for you but for me it is terrible, I think of things I can be doing, I have the "time is short make the most of it mentality". My goal this weekend is to rest, maybe clean out and rearrange my son's old room, rest some more, and maybe get up leaves, then rest some more......Hopefully by Monday I will be a new woman.....
I don't know about you but I have been on the go alot lately and haven't gotten alot of sleep. Between the cat, Joey being gone so I couldn't sleep good, kidney stone problems and just the fact that I am getting older and sleep eludes me sometimes. I know that God is always there for me even when I don't feel it. I know that we cannot make choices based on feelings because our feelings will mess us up, especially when we are tired. I know that I have to regroup sometimes and make myself (mind & body) slow down. I don't know how hard this is for you but for me it is terrible, I think of things I can be doing, I have the "time is short make the most of it mentality". My goal this weekend is to rest, maybe clean out and rearrange my son's old room, rest some more, and maybe get up leaves, then rest some more......Hopefully by Monday I will be a new woman.....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
They're Back!!!!
Here is the motley crew again at their favorite store in the world.....Cabela's in Rapid City, SD
Ladies believe me when I say they can stay there all day...In the plannin
g of this trip there is a day set aside with the intent to shop, browse, see the big stuffed animals that they all dream about.. You know the big one that got away. My husband called me regularly to tell me that everyplace he went to out in the great states of SD, WY, & Montana "I could probably live here,"
if you noticed I spelled out Montana, because in his heart he believes he is meant to live there,
I'm just not sold yet. They once again had a incredible time, with many stories to tell, some true and some I'm not so sure about. Some stories I don't think we as wives, children or friends need to know, they should be kept sacred amongst the hunting posse. We are glad to have them home safely and all in one piece especially after driving 30 hrs straight. More pictures to follow.
Ladies believe me when I say they can stay there all day...In the plannin
if you noticed I spelled out Montana, because in his heart he believes he is meant to live there,
I'm just not sold yet. They once again had a incredible time, with many stories to tell, some true and some I'm not so sure about. Some stories I don't think we as wives, children or friends need to know, they should be kept sacred amongst the hunting posse. We are glad to have them home safely and all in one piece especially after driving 30 hrs straight. More pictures to follow.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
AT&T Again.........
Just a quick note, how many accountant managers can one company have from AT&T..I have received calls from them almost daily with a new name of a new accountant manager...Possibly our bills could be lower if they had a least one person who could do the job and do it well, they might not need 3 people for one account. Does anybody hear me?????
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I don't know if you love music like I love music. But hear are a few great CD's around. First there is Selah's "You Deliver Me". It has a lot of old hymns and other songs and I have two favorites, First, "You Deliver Me" is a song about when things are hard and you feel you can't hardly go on God will deliver you. The second song is "I Will Carry You" also known as Audrey's Song. That is the reason I bought the CD because I have a daughter named Audrey and I was curious about the song. It is a sweet song of loss and love of a child, tears will flow.......
My next choice is last years Casting Crowns Christmas CD " Peace on Earth".. I have 3 favorites, " I heard the bells on Christmas Day" they sang this for President Bush last year and the theme for the song is that even through suffering and chaotic circumstances there can still be peace on earth in our hearts. "While you were Sleeping" makes me hope that I'm not sleeping when God is moving and I miss something. The last is "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" I have loved this song for many years, they didn't know he was the King of Kings as he lay in that little manger.
Finally the last is not a christian CD but is really good. I am a big Rod Stewart fan and his new CD is called "Soulbook" it has some great old songs like "Tracks of my Tears", "Rainy night in Georgia", and "Just My Imagination" to name a few. Music moves my spirit and I am so appreciative to God almighty who created song for us to enjoy...
My next choice is last years Casting Crowns Christmas CD " Peace on Earth".. I have 3 favorites, " I heard the bells on Christmas Day" they sang this for President Bush last year and the theme for the song is that even through suffering and chaotic circumstances there can still be peace on earth in our hearts. "While you were Sleeping" makes me hope that I'm not sleeping when God is moving and I miss something. The last is "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" I have loved this song for many years, they didn't know he was the King of Kings as he lay in that little manger.
Finally the last is not a christian CD but is really good. I am a big Rod Stewart fan and his new CD is called "Soulbook" it has some great old songs like "Tracks of my Tears", "Rainy night in Georgia", and "Just My Imagination" to name a few. Music moves my spirit and I am so appreciative to God almighty who created song for us to enjoy...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ladies Bible Study
Last night was our usual Wednesday night Ladies Bible Study group. We are studying Bad Girls of the Bible (the green book). Our chapter last night was on Samson and Delilah. We have a very diverse group of women from many different back grounds. We were discussing where did Sam go wrong. He was raised in a home that taught him about God, he knew he was set apart and that he was raised special and God had great plans for him. Yet, he killed many, seemed to have a mighty temper, chased many women, and on top of that he seemed kind of dumb. Why would you tell a women who has tried to catch you with the stories you tell about your weakness the secret behind your strength.It doesn't seem to smart from where I am sitting. We were trying to figure out how he didn't realize God had left him (Judges 16:20). I think we get so caught up in life, we make good and poor choices but sometimes those choices leads us to a path of destruction and we don't realize it till our hair is gone. Then comes the consequences of our choices ( Samson lost his sight and ultimately his life) and we are left with a mess and sometimes we don't know how to clean up after it. Then there is Delilah, she deceived a man (for Money) who loved her, I don't know if she had ever known love before, I wonder if she realized all that she gave up to have nice clothes, a nice home, and time to do anything she wanted. That sounds pretty enticing, but there has to be loneliness in her life, guilt for her choices, and sadness when she could of had love, possible joy, and a peace in getting to know God. We all make choices some good and some bad, if we could only see the destruction it could bring ahead of time I wonder if we would make a that same choice..............................
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Here is the motley crew head out again this year to the great state of Montana, My son is taking the picture. This was 2 years ago and they are at it again. They leave tonight at 5:00 and drive straight to Rapid City, SD
only stopping for gas, food and bathroom breaks, they will arrive the following evening in time for dinner. I think they are absolutely crazy, I get tired of riding after about 3 hrs. This year they have decided to do a little sight seeing (Mt Rushmore) usually they drive straight to Montana and start their hunting expedition. My husband woke up this morning so excited, this to him is as close to heaven as you get here on earth. As you can see from the picture it's an unusual group of men, there is the gun-slinger first, fritzy and his children in his billfold, Bad Dog doing the hugging, Clay Mr. Mom, My man, and Tally the one who hates to leave his job (he has to much to do) and Josh (is taking the picture) who thinks that Montana is the greatest place God created. There will be stories to tell, pictures to see and they will be crying the blues on the 12th of Nov. as they see Broadus, MT in their rear view mirror........
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pete....What do you say about him
We have a great friend whose name is guessed it...Pete. He is a very large white man(I mean very large) who was raised in Africa. His parents were missionaries when he was young, so when they moved back to the US years later to become a pastor here in the states, Pete missed his homeland. He and his wife and children now live back in Africa. He stopped by last night for a visit with his home church and we took him out to dinner afterwards. If you wanted to describe Pete you would have to say first he is passionate about spreading the gospel. He can motivate you like no other. He is a visionary who never slows down. And like I said a very large man with the sweetest smile. He likes to stay large because in Africa they look at him as something royal. Because heaviness means rich. So he is a mega-rich. He has such sad stories of people and children who are dying because of the simple things in life that we take for grant it. Medicine, Food, clean water, and sanitary toilets. They had a flood there recently and Pete tried to think of ways he and his church could help in the community,and with 400 dollars he went out and bought plastic potties for the people to use, the mayor of the city had him on TV and the Lord used a small amount of money to make a great difference in that community at that specific time of need. Its like Pete said, God can use the small amounts to make big differences if we are just available. Remember Pete in your prayers, our Great Commission Fund with the Alliance are cutting him out of financial sponsorship at the end of the year and Pete believes the Lord wants him there so he will be raising his yearly salary on his own so that he can stay there to educate, build hospitals, and reach the lost.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I love sunsets and sunrises. I am more awake for sunsets. I tried to capture the beauty outside my backdoor last night.
Life right now is not so beautiful in many ways, there is so much sadness, sickness, loneliness and anxiety, that sometimes you just have to stop and look at the beauty in the small things. Which really a sunset isn't a small thing when you think about it, we just take it for grant it. When you stop and think of all the colors of a sunset and how every night they are different. It makes you remember what a very creative God we serve. How his art is original every day and is never replicated. So we have a priceless piece of art work daily to enjoy if we just take a minute from our hard lives and say well done God, how beautiful are the creations of your hands.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Have you ever had pain that made you fall to your knees. I am experiencing my first and hopefully only kidney stone. We women here in the south are taught to behave no matter the situation. We are suppose to be ladylike at all times. Well let me tell you, all I wanted to do at 2:30 in the morning the other night was moan and scream as loud as I could, but my southern up-bringing only aloud me to do it with me face in a pillow, so that I wouldn't wake the rest of the house up. Only me and my cat, Buster, who I know thought I was going crazy. I finally went into my bedroom and woke up my dead to world husband at 4:30 and said you have got to pray for me right now because I think I am dying..... He prayed, I expected the pain to disappear immediately, however our prays were not answerd at that time. Joey said lets go to the hospital, I kept telling I don't want to go and spend all that money (Because we have crappy insurance, that we pay a lot for) I told him I think it is a kidney stone, it can't be that much longer before I feel better, but the pain got the better of me.. When we finally arrived at the emergency room, you'll never believe it but.....My pain stopped right when I walked through the doors....I
decided to stay and let them check me out, it took 3 hrs of sitting in a room (shift change) , 1 scan and a PA who says I know your pain I've had 10 stones. For them to send me home with medicine and the knowledge that that little stone is still high in my kidney and that there is more pain to follow. I'm so excited........
decided to stay and let them check me out, it took 3 hrs of sitting in a room (shift change) , 1 scan and a PA who says I know your pain I've had 10 stones. For them to send me home with medicine and the knowledge that that little stone is still high in my kidney and that there is more pain to follow. I'm so excited........
Saturday, October 17, 2009
These are my childre
n, son Josh , daughter-n-law Abby, and daughter Audrey. I look at this picture and cannot believe that how fast time flies. I have come to the conclusion that one of the reason life goes so fast is that every month we have to pay bills and just when we have the last bill paid for that month its the first of the next month and we start all over again. When your young you have no responsibilities so life seems to take its own sweet time. But as you get older you do realized what a short time here we have. We need to enjoy it. Take time to enjoy your kids when they are small, snotty nose, dirty diapers and all. Take time to enjoy those elementary school years when they want you around and aren't embarrassed to see you at their school. For some reason when your kids hit middle school life goes even faster. Stop and try to enjoy those middle school years when their attitudes are bigger than their bodies. Then High School, there is driving, dating, driving, phones, after school activities, driving, boyfriends and girlfriends and all the drama that goes with growing up. Then they leave............... So stop and enjoy because it goes way to fast.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Do you stop and really look at people. I went to a wedding this weekend and the bride was absolutely beautiful, as her mother says "Isn't she pretty." I have known this child since birth and have always thought she was an attractive girl. She is quiet, not flash, sweet, & your first thought might not be wow what a knock out. But when I really looked at her Saturday, I thought Wow!!! what a beautiful woman. I told my daughter I guess I just took for grant that she was attractive. My daughter said, I always thought Erica was one of the prettiest girls I know. Sometimes the quiet, sweet and unassuming people in life are more beautiful than we realize, we just overlook them because they don't stand out, they aren't yelling " Hey,look at me". Stop and really look at people you come in contact with every day. You might be surprised at the beauty before you that you never noticed.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bored to Distraction

I love this picture, the colors, the simpleness of it. It has nothing to do with today's blog, just wanted a little art in......
Be very careful how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
Are you bored.....? Why????? Sometimes boredom leads to distraction. Are you making good choices. Have you made a bad choice because your bored. A friend of mine from church mentioned that sometimes we as Americans have to much time on our hands, if we were having to find food to feed our families, or a place to live for the night or a way to protect ourselves from others who are trying to harm us we wouldn't have time to be distracted. . I need to make wise choices. Even the small stuff is what gets you. When I am bored my mind wanders which sometimes leads to bad choices. I need to remember the days are evil, and I need to make the most of every opportunity I am given. The verse above says to Be Very Careful.....How I Live......
Friday, October 2, 2009
Are you discouraged?
I don't know about you but everywhere I see sadness, anxiety, worry and frustration. I try to see the glass more than 1/2 full. But there are days when Satan tries to rob me of my joy. You have to make yourself see the good around you. You have to stop and look at the big picture, find something positive in all the negative. If you are feeling down and discouraged please stop, look up this song - and say Thank you to the one and only living God, who will help you to see the hope that is out there. This song has been by (life song) for the last year and when I feel depressed, down, & discouraged I stop and listen to the words and lift my hands and say Thank You to the King of all kings... Maker of everything....The One who knows all things and is in control of all things....
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What is a good husband?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fall is finally here
Fall is finally here..... I love the cool mornings and the cool afternoons, and the cool evenings...Do you get it I hate to be hot....I love summer but I like to be cool and those two don't always go together. The only thing that doesn't thrill me about fall is the men in my life love to hunt. I don't me love I mean looooovvvvvveee it. So by the first of August they are already discussing the plans they have, when to get the land ready, putting up cameras to see what has been around the farm lately. They talk and talk and watch the outdoor channel and talk some more about this years great adventure. So by September when dove season starts I'm already tired of hearing about hunting. Then I have 4 more months of hunting season. So even though I am definitely not a hunter I try to enjoy the scenery at these hunting places. And the peacefulness the outdoors can bring. I listen and appreciate the closeness that this crazy activity brings to the men in my life.. The only problem is my daughter-in-law loves to hunt, not as much as my son,(he bought her a new bow for her birthday,so she could hunt with him more) .My daughter will go and have family bonding time with her dad a couple times a year too, so I sit at the house reading and waiting for the stories of the great hunt of 2009.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Waste or Not?
The header picture of the church is from a little town in VA near our family hunting land. I love this little church it has two doors, one for the men and one for the women. We attended another church this weekend for a wedding, it was grand inside. It had a large pipe organ with a balcony, stained glass windows, large cathedral ceilings, pretty formal. As we sat their waiting on the bride to come down the aisle, I was thinking what a beautiful place, about that time my husband (the contsruction worker) leaned over and said this place sure is pretty, how much do you think that organ cost, then shook his head and said "Most people would think this is great, but I just keeping think what a waste". The more I have thought about it, I bet people were saved in that little white church with no fancy windows, organs, or comfy seats just as they are in the grand and beautiful churches. So what is my point.....Maybe we need to stop and rethink what is our purpose with the churches today, our church is in the process of building a new church and of course I like big and beautiful but doesn't God meet us anywhere and anytime no matter the building.
Monday, September 21, 2009
My determined purpose
For my determined purpose is that I may know him, that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of his person more strongly and more clearly. Phil. 3:10a
It is up to me to be determined to know God more, become so acquainted with him that I recognize his work, see his wonders, and enjoy the beauty of all that he his...
It is up to me to be determined to know God more, become so acquainted with him that I recognize his work, see his wonders, and enjoy the beauty of all that he his...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Simply and easy life????
Do you ever wish that life could be simple and easy? Here in the good ole south, life can become complicated especially if you don't know how to play by the rules. Here in the south some of the older generations and the children they have raised ,who still live here, become nervous with a woman who can have confidence in herself to know what she thinks, be able to speak it, and hold no hard feelings for others who don't agree with her. I have made a new friend this year, he is about 68 years old, very open and he and I have great conversations. He told me that I intimidate a lot of the older women because I'm so opinionated, I laughed and told I make the men more nervous. I have really appreciated his input, his kindness, and his openness to discuss serious matters of the heart, soul and mind. He told me the other day that I would have fit in great with the ladies he used to work with in California, they know what they want, how they wanted it, and how to get it and they didn't always worry about saying it so sugar coated. They got to the point and went on.... For me life would be so easy and simple if I didn't make people so nervous. I'm probably to honest, to forth right with my advise, but deep down even though I not good at showing it, I truly love most people. I might not agree with you and would probably tell you so , but I enjoy the how God can make so many different personalities and yet we can still be good for each other.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Are you a beautiful old barn?
When you look at this picture what do you see? Do you see a broken down old barn, do you see history of a functioning barn at one time, or do you see the beauty of the whole scene? I love to go to the mountains, for me it is the most relaxing place to be. Sure I have a lot of mowing, spraying for weeds, killing bees and ants that try to move in, but for all the work the scenery makes up for it. Stop and look around today, do you see a broken down old person, or do we see the history behind who they are. If we look really close sometimes we will see the beauty of the whole life that has transpired over time. We might have to look past the crumbling, whining, & complaining of some, so that we get to see the beauty of peace, joy and contentment in others. When we grow older, what will people see in us, the disfunctional barn or the beauty of the history that makes me who I am and you who you are, hopefully a happy, peaceful and contented child of God...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
AT&T, long distance
I received another phone call today from someone at (AT&T) I think...You know how it is, you get a call from someone who says they are from the phone company and they want to help you with your bill to make it smaller. Just when you think that you have it figured out with them, you find out they are affiliated with (AT&T) you think... I would love to be able to talk to one person who works for the company that you think you pay your bills to, who actually knows what they are talking about, and when they ask you a question they understand the questions they are asking. That they are not just asking something they are suppose to read out loud to you and you are to answer yes or no, and the question doesn't really pertain to the changes you are making. Do you understand anything I have just said, its kinds of like my conversations with the phone company. Wouldn't it be great if our yes meant yes and our no meant no and there was no confusion in conversation....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
God Humorous????
When people say give me one description of God, my first answer always is he has a sense of humor. Look around.... My husband and I were talking about all the financial problems everyone is having, and you can become over-whelmed with just thinking about it, that we have decided to try and laugh instead of becoming anxious, and while I don't put stock in fortune cookies, God gave us a little jolt of humor while we were at dinner discussing our money woes. My cookie said"Broke is only temporary, poor is a state of mind" We decided that this is God's answer to us as we had just prayed at dinner for our financial situations of that week. So look around and smile, laugh and be happy at all that God has given us....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Am I Healthy?
Last night we had a small group leadership meeting and as I sat there I thought how awesome it was to be with this small group of people who I love very much, respect and admire even more. I thought about my childhood and my children's childhood and how they where different. My children who are grown now don't think it's weird to have small group meetings in homes or a group of people just sitting around talking about God and all of his wonderful ways, as I probably would have as a child because I didn't see that happening with my parents and their friends. Sure they all went to church every Sunday and Wednesday, and every other time the doors were open, but to sit at someones house and just talk about all the great ways God works I just didn't see that happen. As we discussed our church, other churches and the church body I have begun to realize that we as a church body are failing, sure we have come along way since our parents generation, we don't sweep things under the rug, or pretend nothings wrong, (or do we). I have been asking myself as a leader of a ladies small group, in what areas within the church body are we failing. What can we do to help make the church healthy, are we honest with each other and can we be honest with each other. Have we become so "It none of my business what they do as long as it doesn't effect me" attitude that we are letting each other down. I am very thankful for the friends that I have, I know if I start getting off the wrong track, they will ask me about it. I can trust them enough to know that they love me enough to come to me. So I ask you, do you have those types of friends, are you helping to make the church body healthy, ask God to show you areas in your life that might need a little work, sometimes it is scary to ask because he might just show you...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Have you ever wondered?
Have you ever wondered when you go to the grocery store and have to use their little card to get your discount does it really matter if you have a card. I went today and everything I bought was on sale, however my car was in the shop and so I didn't have my set of keys which keeps all my grocery store cards on it. I went to check out and didn't have my card and the check out lady said just put in your phone number and it should work, well it didn't. It will only let you try to put your number in once so I told her maybe she could call out over the speaker and see if someone else had their card. The manager came up and said we have a store card but we are not suppose to let you use it (why?????) why don't you get a new card, (I already have one....) finally she swiped her store card. Now if someone could just tell me why it is that every grocery store has a discount card and why we just can't go in and buy the sale items on sale without a card... This is one of the many things I wonder about on a daily basis. I am always asking myself "why do we do the things we do?" Have you ever stopped and thought about why you do things, could it be that maybe there are some things you are doing wrong, maybe there are things you are doing right. The question is why are you doing them and do somethings need to be changed.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My First Post....
Today I decided I would start blogging, my friend Cindy has been doing it for quite a while and I really enjoy her stories of life. I have found other blogs that I enjoy reading from and while mine might not be highly intellectual, spiritual, or even funny I might have something that you find will inform, uplift, or just cause you to laugh sometime. So here goes........
As you will soon learn I sit in a little office (15 x 15) by myself from 9-6 everyday. I do not see many people so I have alot of time on my hands. I am learning to be content in all things.HA!HA! But because of my working situation I do read alot of books and watch alot of news. I usually have a couple books going at one time, I don't know how you feel about reading more than one book before finishing another one, but I have alittle bit of adult A.D.D. I get bored easily, so I switch books alot. The only problem with this is when you go to tell someone about a book it is sometimes hard to remember which book you read something out of. In the last month I have read Fireflies in December, So you don't want to go to church anymore, all 5 of the Deanne Gist Bride books, 1 of Joanne Fluke recipe murder mysteries, plus a couple of western 1800 early 1900 romance novels and Crazy Love by Francis Chan. So as you can see my tastes very in books. Most books I read have to catch me on the first 10 pages, if I am not caught by that point I have to work real hard to keep going. If anyone has suggestions for some really good books, please pass them on..... HAPPY READING
As you will soon learn I sit in a little office (15 x 15) by myself from 9-6 everyday. I do not see many people so I have alot of time on my hands. I am learning to be content in all things.HA!HA! But because of my working situation I do read alot of books and watch alot of news. I usually have a couple books going at one time, I don't know how you feel about reading more than one book before finishing another one, but I have alittle bit of adult A.D.D. I get bored easily, so I switch books alot. The only problem with this is when you go to tell someone about a book it is sometimes hard to remember which book you read something out of. In the last month I have read Fireflies in December, So you don't want to go to church anymore, all 5 of the Deanne Gist Bride books, 1 of Joanne Fluke recipe murder mysteries, plus a couple of western 1800 early 1900 romance novels and Crazy Love by Francis Chan. So as you can see my tastes very in books. Most books I read have to catch me on the first 10 pages, if I am not caught by that point I have to work real hard to keep going. If anyone has suggestions for some really good books, please pass them on..... HAPPY READING
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