Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Am I Healthy?

Last night we had a small group leadership meeting and as I sat there I thought how awesome it was to be with this small group of people who I love very much, respect and admire even more. I thought about my childhood and my children's childhood and how they where different. My children who are grown now don't think it's weird to have small group meetings in homes or a group of people just sitting around talking about God and all of his wonderful ways, as I probably would have as a child because I didn't see that happening with my parents and their friends. Sure they all went to church every Sunday and Wednesday, and every other time the doors were open, but to sit at someones house and just talk about all the great ways God works I just didn't see that happen. As we discussed our church, other churches and the church body I have begun to realize that we as a church body are failing, sure we have come along way since our parents generation, we don't sweep things under the rug, or pretend nothings wrong, (or do we). I have been asking myself as a leader of a ladies small group, in what areas within the church body are we failing. What can we do to help make the church healthy, are we honest with each other and can we be honest with each other. Have we become so "It none of my business what they do as long as it doesn't effect me" attitude that we are letting each other down. I am very thankful for the friends that I have, I know if I start getting off the wrong track, they will ask me about it. I can trust them enough to know that they love me enough to come to me. So I ask you, do you have those types of friends, are you helping to make the church body healthy, ask God to show you areas in your life that might need a little work, sometimes it is scary to ask because he might just show you...

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