I love this picture, the colors, the simpleness of it. It has nothing to do with today's blog, just wanted a little art in......
Be very careful how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
Are you bored.....? Why????? Sometimes boredom leads to distraction. Are you making good choices. Have you made a bad choice because your bored. A friend of mine from church mentioned that sometimes we as Americans have to much time on our hands, if we were having to find food to feed our families, or a place to live for the night or a way to protect ourselves from others who are trying to harm us we wouldn't have time to be distracted. . I need to make wise choices. Even the small stuff is what gets you. When I am bored my mind wanders which sometimes leads to bad choices. I need to remember the days are evil, and I need to make the most of every opportunity I am given. The verse above says to Be Very Careful.....How I Live......
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