Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Once again I have begun the good fight of a kidney stone. However, this time I won the battle and gone is the enemy. Its hard to imagine that the pain felt came from something as small as a poppy seed. I feel a little embrassed to admit that the little rock tried to take me down. It started Sunday morning so I didn't feel very good all day, just a nagging pain that kept me figity all day. We went to Joey's aunt Sis's for lunch, this woman is 81 years young and cooked almost the whole meal for 20 of us. I do aspire to be active like her at that age. Then I had about 25 of my family over for a cook out. I had a sharp pain every once in a while, but nothing too severe. I went to bed that night with a heating pad and ibuprohen. As 4 am I woke to loud noises outside, decided I didn't feel great so I watched TV, another rerun of LAW & ORDER. About 6am I started to feel that twinge of pain that I know does not promote a child at the end, just a rock. I called my sister and asked her to work for me at the office, but by 8:30 the pain was gone except for feeling like I need to be stuck with a needle and all the air let out. By 8:00 last night my rock child was produced and today I feel like a new woman.

1 comment:

  1. Question is, dear friend, does this rock-child look like you or Joey!? Glad you feel better! You are so right. You and I do not look one day over thirty!


