Thursday, May 13, 2010
Yesterday at Ladies small group I was going to talk about forgiveness. However only one lady showed up so we decided to talk and leave it till next week. But I will tell you about it today. There is a new song out, Pray for you by Jaron and the Long Road Home. You think that it's this sweet song about praying for someone but it's not......It's funny....but it's not how we as Christians are suppose to pray, even if we want to. The book I am using for our small group is The Christian Atheist, and the verses it used tell us to pray for our enemies. Every ounce of me is not good at praying for someone who has done me wrong, especially if they have done my husband or kids wrong, I can take it better if it's me that has been hit. I come up with justification for every motive and action I have. But as I was reading yesterday, I realize that I have to make a choice to pray for someone I really don't like. I tried yesterday to do that, believe me it was like prying my mouth open, unlocking my gritting teeth, then making my voice say the words. I read the author said in the beginning when it is hard to pray from them and God knows it hard for us, just pray Lord work in their lives and let them know who you really are. I think I can do that, I didn't pray we would become fast friend again, or that as the song in the video says a flower pot fall on their head. Just let them know God. If you need a laugh look up the video on Utube, just don't pray that way even if you want to......
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Well, thank you. ALL my toes are just crushed!!! It is just so hard to pray for those who have wronged us to the point to where we are a human volcano. So I will join you, dear friend, in this task of praying for my enemies. As hard as it is what Jesus would have us do.
ReplyDeleteLove you,