Twenty-five years ago today I gave birth to this man, I can hardly believe how the time has gone by and that yes this is a grown man not my baby anymore. This one is very different than his little sister, he did not want to come into this world, it took him about 30 hrs to arrive. As a small child he was content to sit in your lap, his Dad loved to rock him to sleep at night. He liked to be sung Silent Night to in his crib. As he became a toddler all he thought about was ball, fishing, singing and hunting something. Still a very content little boy but really disliked going to school. As he grew he looked after his sister, loved to play with his cousins and never really caused any problems. As a middle
schooler he continued to love to sing, hunt and play ball. As he enter High School he still didn't care for going to school but loved playing baseball so decided he would go instead of homeschooling, thank goodness because I don't think I would have been a good teacher. As he matured in his teen years he was a easy young man to raise, he looked after his sister, loved to be with his Dad, hunted and played baseball and as one of the coaches said when he left school, we will (not) miss his singing. Girls were never really important to him during this time, he had a few crushes but mainly thought they had a lot of baggage and he didn't want to deal with it. He struggled with what he wanted to do with his life, went to App for a year and decided we were
wasting our money and asked if he could come home. I remember him asking one time how do we know what God wants us to do with our life, and I told him to find something he enjoyed and doors would open. Josh has always been steady, easy to get along with and very confident. He is very logical in his think ing with a little ADD on the side. He married Abby at Christmas 3 years ago, he knew her as a young girl and the first time he saw her at our church he was about 12 he told us in the car that day that she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Her family started going to another church about the time Josh met her, but throughout the high school years Josh would talk to her some. We would try to get him to take her out on a date, but he never would until he came home from college and to our surprise he finally asked her out, they date one year and were married....As I look back, Josh has grown into such a business man, when he talks to others I think is this really my child, and where did he learn this, he is ethical, and expect great things from the Lord. He was saved as a young child, he came down from his room one night and announced "I was saved last night" well at 5 yrs old I wasn't sure he knew what he was talking about, but after a lengthy conversation I was convinced he was right on the money. A couple of years later I heard him(7 years old) and Audrey (5 years old) having this conversation, Josh was telling her how to be saved, it is one of the sweetest memories I have of my children. I am truly thankful for this man and am blessed to have him as a son.
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