Thursday, January 7, 2010

Twilight Series

How do you know that it's God telling you to do something? Maybe, it is your own mind or heart wanting to do it in the first place. These are questions my dear husband is throwing at me lately. I think he thinks I like to think that much. HA!HA!... That is why I am reading the third in the Twilight series(I know , I know) they are mindless, untrue ridiculous stories, but after some of the questions the construction man is throwing my way, I need mindless....

1 comment:

  1. I love the "Twilight" series. Book 3 is good but book 4 is the best. Yes, they are mindless books of fiction junk. But so is most of what is on TV. Like you, I need a little mind-"less" makes me not so mind-"full"

    Love you!

