Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010... Your here

2010.... What kind of year will you be? I teach a college and career class for Sunday School and when they are in town we have class. I mentioned Sunday that I was glad to have this year over because it was pretty crappy (Excuse my language). One of the other leaders of the class said, Oh, your one of those who thinks Christians are supposed to have it made, life is suppose to be easy, pour blessings on me God kind of thing. I quickly explained to him that in no way, shape ,or form did I believe that I am always suppose to be happy. I told him even though this was a crappy year for me and many of my fellow christian friends I think they we all have grown and seen God work in ways we didn't expect and that we are much healthier for it. I am going to try for 2010 to live one day at a time, not worry about what might happen next week. I prayed the other morning, Please Lord if I don't physically feel good each day, help me not to whine. Getting old has great advantages but also has some pitfalls, you can't quite do things as fast and easy as you use to, sleep evades you sometimes, and and your body doesn't do the things you think it should. I did ask the Lord to bless me and my family with peace and joy and wisdom this year. I think these are alright things to ask for. We never know what each day will bring but I'm counting on 2010 to be a year of learning, loving and sharing....

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