Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Learning to let go

I am trying to learn to let go of positions in life, manly at church.  You know people who do alot of things and maybe don't do them so well.  I feel I have become this person.  I made a list of my "things I do at church" and have started getting rid of some of them.  The younger generation needs a little push, many are not big volunteers, if you ask  they will help but few just up and take control of things.  I blame this on our generation, we are fixers, doers, make things happen kid of people. The next generation could be like us but they don't normally volunteer unless it will  make them some money, or has something to do with them. Once again, I kind of blame us for letting our children think the world revolves around them. So far,  as of February I am no longer the church assistant treasurer. I have found someone to take over the welcome packets for our church.  I have asked someone to take over the Mime team, pretty hopeful, she seem to be leaning in that direction. I have one more year on the governing board, I will continue for now with the connections we have at our church once a month, and leading a Wed. night small groups.  I hope to do a better job at these.

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