Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Church ball

Let me tell you a story about a my night. Youth Church basketball can be very stressful to say the least.
Everything went well until the final game, I knew it could have the potential to be fiesty.  I told Josh he was one of the ref's to keep it under control.  Both teams were good, I don't think either one of them had lost, it was the final game of the season, a real fire cracker...It went pretty good in the beginning, right before half time a boy got mad at a call from our team and threw a ball at a girl and hit her in the head, so Josh told him he couldn't play the rest of the game.  Then that parent came at half time to fuss with Josh, I happen to be walking by, Josh told him " Hey man, I go to church here with you, this is a church league, chill out".  Third quarter wasn't to bad either, both coaches a little mouthy but you can over look it, then it came.. Last 1:30 of the game, our coach didn't like that he wasn't being heard and started to shout, then threw his score book at the stage.  Josh came and told him, "how old are you and you don't need to be acting like this in front of the kids" You see he is the coach of our rougher team, alot of the old neighborhood kids are on this team, these are the same ones I had problems with the last two times they played.  So setting a good example to them is very important. Well to say it got better I cannot do, It kept going down hill, I finally just called the game.  That didn't go well with any on our team, the other church is the one who recommended it and I agreed.  After I finally got home and calmed down, and went to sleep at 1 am.  When I awoke this morning I still feel calling the game was the best thing, that it probably would of continued to get out of hand.  Josh called this morning and asked what a certain kids name was on our team, he said the little boy asked on the way out last night, what the problem was this is just church basketball....This is not the first time things have gone a little crazy at church ball, I think it is time to think what is the purpose and are we really doing it right,  it is not the kids that are the problem they usually respect authority and will go with the flow, the problem almost always  lies with the adults. Life is to short to fight and get all crazy over church youth basketball, I am a very competitive person so I hate to lose so I do understand.  But I think the time has come to decide the purpose of this ministry and if this is a ministry.....

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