Thursday, December 2, 2010

Where have I been

Right now, I am sitting at my office with a heated massage chair. My back went out again yesterday. I could hardly move and the pain is pretty bad. My sister brought me some muscle relaxer and they seem to work fairly well. I need to lay flat and unfortunately you can't do this sitting at a office. As I laid in bed this morning after falling asleep at 8:00pm ( and if you know me this is a miracle) I realized that yesterday passed and I didn't have a normal thought throughout the whole day. Pain is a mind taker. It took away everyday thoughts, plans I had , and made me focus on it and I will tell you that this is very infuriating to me. I realized that people with chronic pain can't think like normal healthy people. I now have more compassion for people who can't shake the pain. Don't get me wrong, I still believe that our mind can bring us down more, so we have to keep a fighting spirit and not let our pain control us. In saying that, I am determine to feel better and hope that my brain comes back to reality soon.

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