Friday, December 31, 2010
2010 It is finally over.....
I looked back on the first post of this year, of what I had hoped for in 2010. I have grown in numerous of ways. I have learned that there are just somethings that can't be changed with my help. That letting others do for me will not kill me or them. That resting my brain is OK. That laughter is always needed. And that Satan is truly on the war path. He knows his time is closing in. When thinking back over this year, I have realized that our church body has been under extreme attack by the enemy. That we have to stand up and shout from the roof top that we are not going to take it anymore. I know that the enemy wants to keep our focus on us, on sickness, on finances, on emotions, and not on the Living God with whom the Spirit lives within us as believers. What power we have to make the heavens shake if we will only use it. I know that I have not prayed like I should this last year, I pray, but not with the authority that I have living in me.I know with the enemy his job is to destroy, devour, & kill us or our spirit. I know that my focus needs to be more on what the word says. So since 2010 is finally over, there is a new day, a new week, a new month and a new year to look forward to and see what God is doing.
Monday, December 27, 2010
I received the Sugarland CD for Christmas, It is going to have to grow on me. However this song is on it and the last song of the CD. I do not know what Ms Nettles inspiration came from, but I picture God telling me this, I hope you enjoy.
Christmas Pictures
They both went to ER and were released about 6 hrs later they gave them both muscle relaxers and told them they would be sore in the morning. Josh said he felt alright but Steve's back was in alot of pain. Steve told Joey last night that just a few inches more and Josh could have really been hurt, so we are thanking the Lord today...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
As you know Joey loves SNOW... To say that he has been excited today is an understatement.
He has finally laid down on the sofa, we have turned off all the light except the Christmas lights and he is watching the snow out the window. To him this is one of the greatest days ever. In all his 53 years he has not seen it snow like this ever on Christmas Day. ( I think we heard this probably 10 times today) Above is one of my favorite songs of the last year, even in the middle of summer I listened to it. It goes with the mood of 2010 CHRISTMAS
He has finally laid down on the sofa, we have turned off all the light except the Christmas lights and he is watching the snow out the window. To him this is one of the greatest days ever. In all his 53 years he has not seen it snow like this ever on Christmas Day. ( I think we heard this probably 10 times today) Above is one of my favorite songs of the last year, even in the middle of summer I listened to it. It goes with the mood of 2010 CHRISTMAS
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Eve Eve
As I sit here the night before Christmas eve. So that makes it Christmas eve eve. Joey is already snoring in the middle of the floor, the Walton family Christmas is on the TV , Buster is laying here on the top of the desk snoring away also. Another year is almost gone and I remember back to last years Christmas. This has been an extremely rough year, physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. So I have had to stop and think about the good times, the beautiful snow at the first of the year, the start of our new church being built after many years of waiting, God showing me that attitude is the key to many things, friends who are more precious to me today than last year, the thrill of next year having a baby to play with next Christmas. As the Christmas Day approaches I trust that I will make the time to remember the God came to earth as a small baby (all God And all Man) he left the 10,000 angels singing his praises to lay in that lowly manger , so that he could be my Saviour, Redeemer, and Friend. MERRY CHRISTMAS
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bing Crosby - White Christmas
One of my all time favorite movies.
This is what I am singing today...Still in the forecast.YA!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what I am singing today...Still in the forecast.YA!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Lunar eclipse
Is there a possibility of snow on Christmas this year???? My in house weatherman is getting real excited, he looks at the European, the American, the Nam whatever these are. They all are hinting at a possible snowfall on Christmas. To say he is becoming a happy man can't describe him. I woke him up last night to see the the big red moon, I went outside and walked around at 3 am and all I saw were clouds that were tinted red. I was very disappointed. I woke up at 2 and just dozed in and out knowing that the best time to see everything was at 3, when the alarm went off I put on warm bedroom shoes and a robe and went outside with my camera to take a picture for Audrey because she said to not wake her up "no matter how neat it is". My disappointment and getting pretty cold walking around in nothing but a robe led me to not be able to go to sleep, Joey and I watched TV till about 5 and then I finally fell asleep. I don't know if I will be around in 400 years for the next lunar eclipse and meteor shower, but the view from heaven is probably pretty cool.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Casting Crowns I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day (HQ)
Alot of you are posting favorite Christmas songs, this one is mine....
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Massages are GREAT
It's amazing what a little shove from the therapist will do
My hips are starting to feel brand new.
I'm going for a massage today
Hoping that all the pain will go away.
I dread getting in the traffic near the Mall
I just pray I don't miss my call
Because warm towels I need
I will be a new woman when I leave...
Some reason I feel the need to rhyme, maybe its because I saw The Grinch this week....
My hips are starting to feel brand new.
I'm going for a massage today
Hoping that all the pain will go away.
I dread getting in the traffic near the Mall
I just pray I don't miss my call
Because warm towels I need
I will be a new woman when I leave...
Some reason I feel the need to rhyme, maybe its because I saw The Grinch this week....
Friday, December 17, 2010
My First Blog Poem
Sorry to say that I have little this day
Not many things to tell,
For mind is a blank, for the first time I thank.
Maybe finally all is well.
My hip is out once again
Went to the therapist to put in back in.
Have me this wonder of a belt to wear
Looks pretty tacky on but I don't care.
So I will end my message now
And take my bow
Have a wonderful weekend
As I will try to be on the mend.
HA!HA!!!!!! trying to be funny
Not many things to tell,
For mind is a blank, for the first time I thank.
Maybe finally all is well.
My hip is out once again
Went to the therapist to put in back in.
Have me this wonder of a belt to wear
Looks pretty tacky on but I don't care.
So I will end my message now
And take my bow
Have a wonderful weekend
As I will try to be on the mend.
HA!HA!!!!!! trying to be funny
Monday, December 13, 2010
Gummy Bear
My friend Cindy kept us updated on the experience of being a soon to be grandmother. I will try to give updates along the way. Josh and Abby went last week she had another picture took, she has a really large cyst on her ovary so they are keeping a eye out. Josh informed us that he got to see his little gummy bear as he called it. I laugh but when you look at the picture if does kind of look like a gummy bear. Cindy always had little names for her little grandchild along the way, so mine is now not a lentil but a gummy bear. Joey thought the picture was so cool, he forgets all the things we did with our to be born children, plus they do things differently now than we did. Abby is doing wonderfully, her mom never got sick during her pregnancy and I think Abby is going to follow her. I was playing with a little boy at our church Sunday, and thought next year this time I will have one to play with..... So excited.....
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Went for my first MRI this morning. I am a fidgety person so the man said you cannot move around once we start. He also informed me that it was very loud and gave my ear plugs. I thought no big deal. Then he said it will take about 20-25 minutes. There is the problem. I decided that since I don't like small confined areas, that I would pray while I laid there to keep my mind off of not moving. Let me tell you, there is no praying in a MRI. The noise is so loud and if you have never had one your not sure of what is next. You can barely hear your own voice in your head. So, I tired to pray but failed completely. Instead I started think I need to cough, will that make me move to much. My arm has fallen asleep over my head, can I move it or will that change my body alignment. I didn't want to open my eyes because you see this giant saucer over you and you feel a little closed in and plus the noise made me wonder if it would affect my eyesight with all the radio waves going all around me. The man tried to tell my I would probably be asleep by the end but he doesn't know me, my mind went in all directions. "Is this dangerous, what about the metal in my mouth, does chewing gum have metal in it, should I ask if I can cough, Pray for somebody, maybe I had better concentration so that I don't move, try praying again." To tell you my brain is wore slap out already is an understatement. Hopefully they can figure out my problem and I will not have to put my brain to the stress again.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Home movies
The last two nights we have sit and watched old home movies when our children were small. I didn't realize how funny Audrey was as a child. She was very determined to have her way when she was young, and "no" was not an option she seem to think. But when looking back at her she had some real funny lines she threw at us, that I had forgotten. Josh was always wanting on the screen, in about every video you hear me or Joey saying "son get out of the way, Josh move, or son let someone else in the video." He was always singing or dancing in them. I had forgot how they played together so well. They took turns on sleighs in the snow, they took turns make videos, and I let them get away with more than I thought. We all sit and laughed together last night, Abby realized how country we really are. Sometimes it fun to remember old memories.....
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Winter Snow
There is something so beautiful about the first winter snow. Today it was a sweet snow that gets you in the Christmas spirit.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Where have I been
Right now, I am sitting at my office with a heated massage chair. My back went out again yesterday. I could hardly move and the pain is pretty bad. My sister brought me some muscle relaxer and they seem to work fairly well. I need to lay flat and unfortunately you can't do this sitting at a office. As I laid in bed this morning after falling asleep at 8:00pm ( and if you know me this is a miracle) I realized that yesterday passed and I didn't have a normal thought throughout the whole day. Pain is a mind taker. It took away everyday thoughts, plans I had , and made me focus on it and I will tell you that this is very infuriating to me. I realized that people with chronic pain can't think like normal healthy people. I now have more compassion for people who can't shake the pain. Don't get me wrong, I still believe that our mind can bring us down more, so we have to keep a fighting spirit and not let our pain control us. In saying that, I am determine to feel better and hope that my brain comes back to reality soon.
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