Friday, August 31, 2012

This Week!!WOW

This has been a week that has wore me down.  I have been so busy and tired that I haven't even called my friend to say Congrats on Megan's engagement.....Harper was gone last week so when she came back this week, she came back full steam.  I don't think I have every seen a child who is constantly on the go from when she gets up till bedtime.  My whole family who  are a bunch of ADD people themselves agree with me on this.  I ended up keeping her 2 1/2 days this week, on top of that Joey and I are both on the boards at church that make alot of the major decisions of the directions our church should be going.  So to say that is easy, one can only imagine and I take this thing extremely serious. I finally decided to call the Dr. because I am finally getting tired of the "hump" on my back that seems to be getting larger and more painful.  Of course you know that I have already diagnosed myself but I figure I need another opinion. I have sat around the office and house with a heating pad around my shoulders for the last 3 days, unfortunately Dr. Morgan can't see me till next Thurs. I plan on trying some of my ideas from my own diagnosis so see if these will help.  I am learning that I think I need to hit something.  I think this will let out alot of anxiety that I think has built up.  Men get their anxieties out through physical labor (or Joey does) and I sit at my little desk so I have decided once Audrey's new work-out class begins that I will try very hard to do all the activities and see if this helps.  I also am trying a new sleep routine.  I have read that sometimes these humps come from not enough sleep and I do know that this is a major problem with me.  I am excited if I sleep 6 hrs straight, and everything I have read says a woman of my age should be getting 8-9 hrs a night.  I haven't had that much sleep for a week but once in the last 3 years.  So tonight I will try something new and see if I can shut my mind off and relax.  Maybe by Monday I won't be known as Tracy the hunchback of Midway any longer.....I do know that some of things happening to us I truly believe are not your normal issues, I told the girl I am do Bible Study with that I really feel our family is under spiritual attack. More on this later....

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