Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today, Joey, Josh, Audrey and me drove to Little Washington right on the other side of Greenville, NC for a funeral.  We received a call Sunday morning that Charlie had been killed in a 4-wheeler accident.  Charlie is the son-in-law of Joey's best friend/cousin. He was 25 years old and lived life...It was an extremely sad day. 
After we left the funeral and headed home, we were all talking about how  sad it is to attend a funeral where you wonder if they were saved, you hope and pray that sometime in his life he was  exposed and accepted Jesus into his life.  As a Christian I look at death differently than a non christian.  I know that I will see my family again, that there is a great and wonderful time ahead for me with my Savior and friend.  I can be sad for the memories I will miss but I know when you are saved by the blood of Christ you can find hope.  The funeral was conducted by a man that I am not sure even knew Charlie. he had gone to the family to ask things, I thought how sad to not have anyone close enough that can speak from a godly perspective on you.  Josh said, "but when you don't know anything different, it is probably pretty normal to them". For me this is just extremely sad. I want people to know that when I died they can say she loved God, that we knew and saw it in her life. We are praying that through this tragic time that Carroll Jr. will really rely on God more than he ever has and that his family will come to know the God that Carroll knows from his childhood.  That they will find Christ during these days ahead  because God calls but for a time and the time is ripe...

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