I am reading a book called Beautiful Outlaw. Once again it has brought me to a place of thinking.
Jesus is faithful and true. When all around life seems at time fake, people don't keep their word, loyalty is gone, faithfulness is not apparent. Jesus is really faithful and true. Whatever he says in his Word is not a lie, it is there for the asking, he is always faithful whether we are or not. He doesn't ever lie, he can't. He isn't fake, even when we pretend we are something we are not. I had read the chapter pertaining to these things in the book, Joey ask me to look up something in Revelation to discuss with him and there it was again, the words he is faithful and true. I am also reading a novel or two in between and something was brought up about God being faithful and true. You don't need to hit me on the head 3 times for me to realized, there is a whisper from above to pay attention to these 2 words, Faithful and True.
Faithful: steadfast in affection, firm to adherence to promise,given with strong assurance. True: Real, Genuine, accurate,not false, sincerely felt. I have thought on these things, even though I rush through my reading and don't get a full grasp of it. When you feel that you or others are not living up to these two words, stop and remember that God does. As you get older you did get a little cynical of people. I have let others down, others have let me down, there is disappointment in the human race, we think what do you expect they way the world is. But do I also sometimes think this of God. When feelings fall into play, do I question is he really true, is he really there at all times , always faithful even when I fail. I need to be standing on the Word of God and what it says about the creator and thanking him everyday that he does not fail that he is faithful and true. When I use the definitions of these words in a sentence with what is going on in my life, what a true blessing it is, what a way to ease the mind, what a way to be thankful for our promises he has given us.