Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Never be your own DR.

Less see for now about 6 months I have been fighting what I thought was a kidney stone. Alot of the same symptoms I have had when I passed my first stone. So being the cheap scape that I am and not wanting to pay those outrageous bills I diagnosed myself. But yesterday I decided something had to happen. I woke up in so much pain that my face was physically distorted. A friend of mine came by the office to do some work and she said I looked awful. So I broke down and went to see the urologist. He then sent me for a CT scan, they sent me back to the urologist. My scan showed only one stone but it was in the lower left kidney and the Dr said this is not causing you any pain. He showed me my scan and after is all is said and done he said with a smile you aren't having urological problems, you need to see another Doctor. Well I cried in the car, because at least if they found something wrong it can be fixed. Now I had to start over. I called my family doctor and he was seeing his last patient and told me to come on in. He poke and prodded and seems to think that I have a slipped disc. Gave me a cortisone shot in the rear and told me to go take ibuprofen and rest and also wants to do a ultrasound to make sure nothing else is going on. Well, I woke 75% better this morning , no lower abdominal swelling, no abdominal pain, just tenderness and and sharp pain every one in a while in my lower back. Praise the LORD!!!!!! So now I have canceled the ($1000.00) ultrasound and and will take $5.00 ibuprofen and not do any heavy lifting for a little while. If only I had not used my Internet Doctors Diploma from Google I probably wouldn't have suffered for so long...

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