As you know Audrey is a Dental Hygienist in High Point. She works for a office that most of the patients are subsidized by the government. Most of her patients are drug addicts, mentally and physically handicapped, AIDS patients, working the system, and some do pay like the rest of society does for dental work. To say this has made her very cynical is a understatement. My once quiet, non opinionated child has turned into her mother!!!!!!OH KNOW as Harper says. But my story today is about a patient she had last week at their office. Audrey seated the young lady and when she went to put the apron around her neck, she saw something moving in her hair. She left the room and went to the office manager, who immediately started to clean the front area where the girl first sat, then went to the assistance room that they first put her in before Audrey brought her to her room. They informed the Dentist and he told them they had to tell her to leave until things were cleared up, but he was glad Audrey saw it first or he would have screamed like a little girl. Audrey and the Dental Assistant showed the girl in a mirror what was happening in her hair, Audrey said there were brown bugs crawling everywhere, up and down ponytails, out to the ends of her hair, 50 -100 of them.
Of course, everyone wanted to go and take a bath immediately, I made Audrey wash her clothes twice.Wesley is a real clean freak, he told her she had to take two showers before he saw her that night. The poor girl told them she had never noticed them before. RIGHT!!! My question is how can when you live in a country with fairly clean water and you as a adult not be clean. It cost pennies a day to bathe and brush your teeth. I understand foreign countries who deal with disease ridden waters but her, there is absolutely no excuse. Now, for all of you deep thinkers, where all has this girl been in the last few months, because this didn't just happen, these bugs have been there a while.
Maybe the movies, where we put our heads back on the seats, or at Kohl's trying on clothes or scarves, or she works at the drive thru you just ate at. Now tell me your thoughts, it makes you not want to go out in public much, DOES IT.......Something to think about. UGH!!!!!