Friday, August 31, 2012
This Week!!WOW
This has been a week that has wore me down. I have been so busy and tired that I haven't even called my friend to say Congrats on Megan's engagement.....Harper was gone last week so when she came back this week, she came back full steam. I don't think I have every seen a child who is constantly on the go from when she gets up till bedtime. My whole family who are a bunch of ADD people themselves agree with me on this. I ended up keeping her 2 1/2 days this week, on top of that Joey and I are both on the boards at church that make alot of the major decisions of the directions our church should be going. So to say that is easy, one can only imagine and I take this thing extremely serious. I finally decided to call the Dr. because I am finally getting tired of the "hump" on my back that seems to be getting larger and more painful. Of course you know that I have already diagnosed myself but I figure I need another opinion. I have sat around the office and house with a heating pad around my shoulders for the last 3 days, unfortunately Dr. Morgan can't see me till next Thurs. I plan on trying some of my ideas from my own diagnosis so see if these will help. I am learning that I think I need to hit something. I think this will let out alot of anxiety that I think has built up. Men get their anxieties out through physical labor (or Joey does) and I sit at my little desk so I have decided once Audrey's new work-out class begins that I will try very hard to do all the activities and see if this helps. I also am trying a new sleep routine. I have read that sometimes these humps come from not enough sleep and I do know that this is a major problem with me. I am excited if I sleep 6 hrs straight, and everything I have read says a woman of my age should be getting 8-9 hrs a night. I haven't had that much sleep for a week but once in the last 3 years. So tonight I will try something new and see if I can shut my mind off and relax. Maybe by Monday I won't be known as Tracy the hunchback of Midway any longer.....I do know that some of things happening to us I truly believe are not your normal issues, I told the girl I am do Bible Study with that I really feel our family is under spiritual attack. More on this later....
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
What a day
Yesterday started about 3:30 in the am, I woke up to a terrific headache,( the new life of allergies with the old Tracy) Finally about 6 I took two Tylenol and tried to rest then remembered I had to go to Sam's club and buy food because I was having 15 people to the house for dinner. When I got back from the store, had a heated disagreement with my honey, Satan was getting ready to work overtime this day, I thought my refrigerator seemed a little warm so I call our special repairman Billy to come and give it a look, by lunch Joey decided he need to get the food out and into coolers the temperature was about 55-60 in there. While at the office my phones were out and I had a repairman there fixing this problem. I forgot I had a friend of mine who is opening a new business come by to discuss payroll ( I was not much help). She left and the Internet would not work correctly all day. I finally received by year-end work from the accountant. Our year ended in April so I have from May until now to get it all back together. Billy the special repairman got to our house about 4 to fix said appliance. Joey came to relieve me at the office so I could get home and start getting dinner together for everyone, I thought the frig was fixed so I started loading everything back in around 5, I had to fix pork loins, desserts and salad everyone else was bringing vegetables. Everyone arrived on time to eat about 6:30, did I forget to tell you I had to met a couple at a house at 7 for them to look at. I arrived back home in time to pretty much miss the meal, and sit down for our conversation with this couple we are interviewing. Finally about 9:30 everyone started leaving, Joey and I checked the frig. and realized that the temperature had gone back up to the 60's again, so at 10:30 last night we were loading coolers that we had put away earlier, Joey was going to the store for more ice, and we had to clean up the mess from dinner. I finally sat down in the chair in the den at 11 and was so tired I could not go to sleep. I finally went to bed and read until 12:30 and sleep finally came. Now to a new day
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Flowers and bugs
This field is covered on both sides of the path with Queen Annes Lace, I tried to dry some but they didn't turn out to well.
These weed with the beautiful blooms were also everywhere, and I caught a shot of the bugs
This weed just pops up here and there in the fields
I caught a bubble bee in action, they are so furry
We call her pookie
Another weed I think, these are all along the roads and look so pretty, I don't know what they are
I thought this was a cool shot, if you look close you can see his smiling face as he was hanging on for the ride.
Two different butterflies and I got a shot of both. They were truly beautiful....
Life in the mountains is different, mainly because we slow down and look for things, most of these small things are around us here we just don't look for them. I will say that we put a tree camera up near the deer stand Joey wants to put up for Audrey this year and in one night there were 4 deer, a momma and 2 baby bears, and a stinking ole coyote... I don't take my time to look for them... But they are still very pretty creatures
These weed with the beautiful blooms were also everywhere, and I caught a shot of the bugs
This weed just pops up here and there in the fields
I caught a bubble bee in action, they are so furry
We call her pookie
Another weed I think, these are all along the roads and look so pretty, I don't know what they are
I thought this was a cool shot, if you look close you can see his smiling face as he was hanging on for the ride.
Two different butterflies and I got a shot of both. They were truly beautiful....
Life in the mountains is different, mainly because we slow down and look for things, most of these small things are around us here we just don't look for them. I will say that we put a tree camera up near the deer stand Joey wants to put up for Audrey this year and in one night there were 4 deer, a momma and 2 baby bears, and a stinking ole coyote... I don't take my time to look for them... But they are still very pretty creatures
Friday, August 17, 2012
Mountain retreat
This is our girls weekend out. We went to the mountains to camp. Saturday it was a little chilly and overcast so we decided to travel around and check things. This is a vineyard near Wesley's grandparents house near Sparta. Even though Wesley has not officially asked to marry Audrey she still has me out looking for a venue for the event, and I have the wedding planner with me....
Then we traveled to Mabry Mill and had a wonderful lunch, I had a fried green tomato BLT with fried okra it was great......
This is the view from Dr. Morgan's (my Family Dr.) porch, he told Cathy to ride by and check out the scenery
I will say that this was a very relaxing weekend. Sunday we floated down the river for several hours and ate our leftover grilled dinner from the night before.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Hyper Harper
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Long time no see....
I have been vacant the last two week, we had a great time of relation at the beach. Joey became alittle bored by Thursday, but like I told him we don't rest for a week but once a year and our bodies need it, so bring on the boredom.I read 3 books during the week and Joey almost finished one, for him this is amazing, he is a slow reader and as you can tell I read pretty fast. My only regret and sadness is, I go to the beach for many reasons but the seafood is one of the main reasons. I became shell fish allergic a few months ago after eating shrimp. I tired to tell myself it was just a fluke, so at the beach I took Benedryll with me and tried again. I ate a bite of that delicious white meat crab, can you tell, I am a little dramatic. But to no avail, my mouth started itching after a couple bites, and my tongue started getting larger, so I drank the liquid. More depression set it, so my sister and I looked up shell fish description on wikipedi to see if clams, oysters and mussel were in the same family, they are considered mussel family, so I tried a fried clam the next night and once again had to drink the liquid. To say this was a downer part of our vacation is a understatement. My sister said you have asked God to take away some of the food desires and she threw her hands in the air and shouted Hallelujah he has started. Now I did want to learn to live without Cokes, candy, pasta, those kind of fattening foods, not seafood which I crave. I could care less to eat red meat, pork, and chicken, give me Lobster, crab legs, crab cakes, shrimp any way, clams, mussel, oysters, even squid. So now I carry my liquid medicine and am prepared for anything. I have made fun of people who have allergies, I didn't get it. But in the last 6 months my body has completely changed. I have outdoor allergies, food allergies, skin allergies, maybe I will get cleaning allergies and not be able to clean anymore.HA!!!!
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