Thursday, June 14, 2012

New believer

Our church in the summer doesn't have small groups, so Joey and I decided this summer to have a single mom that went to school with Josh over every other week. Last night Cory and her son came to dinner so that Joey could get to know Phoenix (I love that name). His mom says he needs  male bonding. Joey took him to see the race car and tried to find worms to fish with. Cory became a new Christian about 2 months ago.  Her life has been hard, she doesn't have the spiritual family support so all this is new to her.  She said her grandmother took her to church some as a child.  But when you have a conversation with her you realize that she truly is saved and excited about it.  Joey and I have this conversation on a regular basis. "how many church people we wonder if they are really saved" because we never seem to see it in the way they live. I know from experience that being saved at a young age cane make you get in a complacent life style, you take a lot for grant it.  I asked her if there were some questions she had and she said she didn't know enough about the Bible to ask the right questions.  We have decided to bring out the old one on one discipleship book, it covers everything about the basics of Christianity.  This is very exciting for me to watch a new believer excited about learning about our Savior.  I have another lady in class that is older than me who became a believer about 4 years ago. Now she runs me ragged, she is alot smarter than me, and comes from a catholic background.  Those two components alone make me have to work harder with her, than I think it will be with Cory.  But when they learn, so do I.

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