Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Last of the 40's

Today is my first day of the last year of my 40's next birthday will be the Big 5-0.  I not a big sentimental kinda of girl.  But yesterday I started thinking how fast my life is, like everyone else who pays bills.  I told the kids, if you could pay your bills once a year, life would go a lot slower, you wouldn't have to be worrying about the next house or car payment.  Back to my sentimental thoughts, I always thought 50 was old, now that I am 49, I don't think that at all.  I feel very young at heart, but my body does say every once in a while," hey you can't do that as easy as you use to.Don't kid yourself."Also as I have thought about this being my last year in the 40's. I think do I have regrets and what are they, are there some regrets I can change now, is there something I want to do differently, is there something new I want to try. I am in the middle of my life, I might live to be 99, I really hope the Lord comes back before then. I would rather ride out on a cloud when the trumphet sounds. Josh asked me how I liked the 40's.  Honestly, I kind of enjoyed my 20's having children is stressfull, my 30's were great, hardly no sickness or pains, the 40's have been kinda of difficult, I have learned alot about myself these last 10 years, I am thinking the 50's are going to be pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are a Fabulous Forty-Niner. I will be there very soon!!
