Tuesday, August 16, 2011

6am Walmart

Do you ever go to Walmart at 6 am. I do especially if I can't sleep. I love to go there in the am. They are stocking shelves so it is messier. There is no one there, this is what I love the most.
I can shop in peace and quiet. I can take my time and usually I am the only one in line at check out. I told the lady at check this morning that I know she would probably rather not be there but because of people like me she has to be a work so early. She told me she loved it there at that time of morning, for the same reasons I like it. Try it sometime you'll always want to shop at the pre-dawn mornings.

1 comment:

  1. Tracy, Tracy, TRACY!!! Walmart is a place that I try to avoid at all cost. I am sure there are walmarts in hell.

    Love and praying hard for you,

