Monday, February 28, 2011
New Adventures
Joey and I once again are trying to make decisions about employment. The Montana club was sold last week, so I will not be moving. I am rather thankful, I think I would like for Joey just to visit them instead of move there. He finally told me last week that one of the reasons he wanted us to move there was so he could get away from his life, but now that the Lord has shown him a few things, his idea of moving has changed and thank goodness, the club sold. Now is the new adventure, Joey and a childhood friend of mine are going to try and go into business. Joey and Mark both feel the Lord is in this, they are just looking for the right place to get set up on. Mark for the last year has been playing a outside field game called Total Combat, he uses aerosol guns and people come in and play combat games. He averages about 150 players. He comes up with different scenarios for combat and they play combat. Joey went last week and watched and shot a few times to get the feel of the game. He was amazed at all the people, he saw a ministry that could grow. Mark tries to teach character building, integrity, and honesty in the game. He was looking for a partner to work with so that he can grow this business. He knew by our talks that Joey is needing to find a different line of work, mainly not because he doesn't love his work but there is no way to make a living at it today. He can still do small jobs with this new adventure because it is mainly on Thurs, Fri. Saturday and Sunday afternoons. He has to change his way of thinking about work because he has been a Mon-Fri. kind of worker. But he laughed and said, I was willing to go to Montana and work 7 days a week for 4 months, I think I can adapt. We are praying for a specific piece of land if is closer to home than some of the places they looked at. The owners, Joey knows, they have not thought about leasing their land, Joey and Mark are going to talk to them today. Joey said last night, this would be great, but I want to make sure this is exactly where God wants us. We see doors opening, he see a little light at the end of this long tunnel we have been in, we are praying that we can step out of our comfort zones once again and follow wisely.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Chris Tomlin - I Lift my Hands - Lyrics
I love this song, I think this is the new mime song...I am visualizing it right now as I listen
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Praise the Lord, Wesley sold his truck this weekend. He said he was glad he was not here, he would probably have cried. I would probably cry if he didn't sell it. HA!!! Now goes the search for a new sturdy vehicle. His dad, Randy came over yesterday got the money and left he said I want to get out of here before they change their mind. Teenage boys and young men think this is a cool truck, we older more wiser humans think it is a death trap. God provided Wesley with almost the amount he was asking, a friend of ours who is a insurance adjuster said if he gets over a $1000 for it, sell as fast a possible, he got $4300, it is truly God watching out for him. We can't wait for him to come home and be able to share our thoughts on this subject. As the boy who won the Daytona yesterday said," I know God is big, I pray and I pray alot, he just showed me how big he really is." I think I have a new driver to follow.....We sometimes forget how big God is even in the little things.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Cars, Trucks and Suv's
We are going to need a new vehicle before the year is out. I thought I would have to buy one this winter and right now with Audrey in school, we have no extra money. So what do Christians do, they pray over their car to last a little longer. It is working, so far no new problems, I like my car. It has speed, a great radio, and I can get into about any place or parking spot. The problems with my car is that it is to low to the ground for me now. I didn't realize until my back was out exactly how low it was, I tore up the leather seats trying to get in and out. It is getting older like the rest of the family and is beginning to have little problems, falling apart, like the rest of the family. So this summer my search will begin. What do I want, I do not know. I think a small SUV or another car (gas mileage) the thoughts of looking does not thrill me. Poor Wesley has a truck that on the outside most teenage boys would say I like the big tires, the black tinted windows, the loud sound it makes as you pull out of the driveway. Buster the cat can hear Wesley coming when he turns in the road about 10 houses up. But when you drive the thing it is like a tank. Wesley has had problems with this truck since I have known him (3 years), he put in a new motor last year, he has something else really major taken out and a new one put in. The problem is the frame is rusting. Joey took it to the Toyota place and asked a friend about the recall Toyota has on rusty frames but Andy said he couldn't fix it, that Joey shouldn't even drive the truck home and do not dare let Audrey get in it ever again. Wesley's mom called and told us to hide the keys and not let him in it again. To tell you the Lord has been looking after this man is a given, he drives this truck back and forth to USC in Columbia every week going 70 miles ahr. on a busy highway, Andy said he was shocked Wesley wasn't dead on the side of the road because of the truck just breaking into going down the roads at that speed. So Wesley is now on the search for a new vehicle. I have come to take my money much more seriously than I use to, the Lord has been gracious to use and allowed us to see where we have wasted money, like everyone else does, over the last 25 years. My next purchase will be planned, prayed over, and purchase with wisdom. Cars you gotta have them.......ugh the searching......
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Valentine
This is not my favorite holiday of the year, I think that to many people put to much into one day instead of everyday, it's kind of like your wedding, people go all out to have the most perfect day and forget that you have to live with each other for the rest of their lives. So to say I am not the romantic type is probably correct. However.....
This is my valentine...In his favorite elements.
This is how he looks at me usually when I have a camera in my hand. I told him he better get use to me taking pictures because once that grandchild is here and he is holding her, the flashes will be going.
This is one of my favorite shots of him, he is smiling naturally, not working at it and its warm outside.HA!!!! He doesn't smile much in hot weather. But I have to say that I do love him and appreciate him more today than our first valentines 29 years ago. I appreciate the tender and yet strong man he has become. The prayer warrior that he desires to be. He asked me the other night why I wanted to marry him so long ago. I knew without a doubt he would protect me, I have to admit I liked his rugged ways and he wasn't bad to look at either. Above all he has a tendency to make me laugh and feel at peace, I know I can trust him. I knew these things back then, but never in my dreams would I have known that he would become more than what I prayed for. God can do great things, if we will let him. So to Joey, Happy Valentines Day. Love Tracy
Friday, February 11, 2011
Dennis Swanberg - Bengy and the Zipper
Funny preacher... A friend sent this to me today, I hope it makes you laugh....
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Gods secrets
The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of his instructions. Deuteronomy 29:29 New Living Translation
I came across this verse yesterday..It sticks with me. We don't know everything about God and that's OK, he will show us in his time. However, what we do know comes from his word and we are accountable to what we read and learn. This might be my verse for the new baby, I am working on a verse just for her.
I came across this verse yesterday..It sticks with me. We don't know everything about God and that's OK, he will show us in his time. However, what we do know comes from his word and we are accountable to what we read and learn. This might be my verse for the new baby, I am working on a verse just for her.
Monday, February 7, 2011
IT'S a GIRL!!!!
I think they will make a great Daddy and Mommy. Josh has always liked children, he isn't as fond of the baby stage, Abby likes this stage, Josh likes them when they can play with you. When he was small he always wanted a lot of siblings, (he didn't get them,) and there are days I regret not having more. This will be the first grandchild on either side of the family, it will be totally spoiled rotten, the grandpa's cannot wait. Neither can the aunts and uncles, great-aunts and uncles,cousins, great grandparents, great-great grandparents and of course the grandma's. As you can see she will not be short on attention or love.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I lay around and sleep till three.
I have a master who keeps me fed
and I get to lay around all day in her bed.
I am getting to old to play alot
Catching mice has even stopped.
I watch the squirrels and birds from the window
And think to myself, if I wanted to I could put on a show.
But why do I want to tire myself out at my age
I have it made in the shade
My master thinks I am the best pet ever
and I wouldn't trade her for anything, no never.
Words from a very spoiled cat......
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