This next week is the end of the Fall Season, Its like after Thanksgiving
we think it is the Winter Season, even though it doesn't
officially begin until Dec. 21. I love the fall season, the cool mornings the beautiful afternoons. The sky seems to be crisp and clear at night, you see so many more stars.

I am thankful for many things, last night at the ladies banquet I attended, I realized what an easy life I have. Sure we all have our times of hardship, but this lady endured 17 years of physical,
emotional, and
spiritual torture in dealing with a son who fell from a bunk bed and developed a blood clot the size of a baseball, that in turn led to brain surgery that left him violent and unproductive. We need to hear these stories to remind us that life is not as bad as we think sometimes. Helps us to put on our big girl panties and face the world. So thank you God for the life you have given me at this time.
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