Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Empathy & Compassion

Empathy & Compassion go together.  I have learned over the years that you need to experience things to truly have empathy and compassion. Empathy is the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another. Compassion is the understanding for the suffering of others.
Josh has laughed at me for the last few years, he has said that the kidney stone can't be that bad, that your back can't hurt that much, your such a wienie. Well in the last four months he has experienced both, Kidney stone sent him to hospital twice, and last night he fell out in the front yard at home with his back.  When he called, I told him start laughing about my weight and see if you don't get fat. HA!!!! 
I can tell you I know how you feel about some things but unless I have experienced something similar I really don't know.  I have learned through some of my sicknesses these last few years that until I walk in those shoes I don't know how I would react to something.  I always pray that I will handle situations with grace, love, kindness, and fortitude. One great thing is Christ has seen it all and he can handle anything, I can take it to him, I can rest in him, I can know that if I do my part he will do the rest.

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