Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Questions I will ask one day...

I am reading the Book of John and usually it is between 4 and 5 am when I can't sleep. I usually relax enough after reading one chapter and can go back to sleep because my mind is on something good, true, pure  and not what I probably was thinking when I woke up.  But I have had a few questions,
one what was Jesus really writing in the sand.  Everyone thinks they know but nobody really does, so I can't wait to ask.  Also we hear alot about healing and we all have our own ideas what we think the Bible says, but I was reading about Lazarus death, and how Jesus said now you will see God's glory, Lazarus was instantly restored back to life.  Some disagree with me but I see true and total healing coming instantly and being restored back to health as whole and it being done to Glorify God and him alone, not so much for the human being healed.  But this is a questions I will ask one day....

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