Monday, February 18, 2013


When you look at the world in a big picture you realize just how small you really are. We here in American seem to think that we matter more than most, we have the most ridiculous problems.  At church yesterday, Tom our SS teacher, said how there is a list of what we here in the great USA complain about and how other countries if they read our complaints would want to more than likely want to walk right up to us an smack our smug little faces.  Iimagine being those orphan children I showed you in the last video, and they hear some of our complaints. like...they didn't put enough pickles on my chicken sandwich, the remote control is all the way across the room, where is my waiter, my drink is half empty, and me last night at the grocery store, I can't believe with all these flavors of ice cream they don't have coffee.  Joey has this saying that makes alot of Christians mad and they argue with him regularly about it, but the more we discuss it I am starting to think like him... God really doesn't need any of us to complete his plan.  He would like for us to get on board, but he really doesn't need little ole me.. What a humbling thought, God is God and he  has a plan and sees the big picture and I can be used by him or he will accomplish it without me. I think we here in the great USA have started to believe ourselves and what our minds what us to think, we are special and why wouldn't God need us.  In saying all of this, I have become pretty hard to the poor, pitiful me, line we all use, me included.  Today, I just found out that Joey's first cousins son, was drunk driving and killed a little girl.  We all knew he had issues, he has been in trouble  many times, and now he in hospital with a broke neck, killed another persons child, has 1 baby and another on the way, and has literally screwed his life up and all the others around him. Because he doesn't think of other  human life as important as his.  When did we decided that we here in American are that important, when did we decided that our life is more important that all the others around us. God loves us all, but he doesn't really need us, he wants us to glorify him.  That is all.....

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