Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 Where did you go?
As they say the older you get the faster life goes by....I think back at 2009 with some relief that it is over. It has been a hard year for us and many of our friends, many deaths in families of young and old friends, employment problems, financial struggles, marriages struggling, and some health issues. So I think as I sit here, I am looking forward to 2010... Just as there can be peace from last years struggles, growth from what we have learned from them, and a excitement to see what God is going to do this year..I have high hopes for 2010. Why not look at the cup 1/2 to 3/4 full. Why not expect great things. There is a CD by Phillips, Craig & Dean called Fearless. Inside the sleeve of the CD they write fearless is a statement against the tide of anxiety that's being sold by the loudest voices in our culture. Even in the face of difficult times, we need to remember to shine the light of eternal hope on the world's temporary circumstances and choose faith over fear. So this 2010, shine, shine, shine.........
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Do you ever want to say.....
Are there times in you life where you just want to tell people what you really think no matter the consequence. I struggle with that way of life regularly. Why can't everyone just think like me, look at life like me, just be me.....Wouldn't that be a tough world.....As we grow older I know we are suppose to mature, handle ourselves gracefully, and be kind, but sometimes you just want to say it like it is, get it off you chest, yell, scream and just be who you really want to be sometimes. The problem comes after you have had your say...You either hurt someones feelings, make them mad, or just completely become confused because they didn't get it...One of my goals for 2010 is to be as completely honest as possible with people and myself while also doing it with kindness, discretion and love. Sometimes its hard to do all three but with a goal in mind all things can be possible. I just have to remember to throw out me and allow God to do it all...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Winter Snow
I like the peacefulness of winter, the calm of the fallen snow, the quiet of all is still. As I get older I strive for peace, I like calm, drama dealing with humans gets under my skin. But as a Christian I know there will be times of anxiety, up-hevel, work, stress, drama, & no peace. The key is how will I handle it, will I confront it head on with love or sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away. I know there is a season for all things, However I love the calm season, the snow season when all is peaceful. My goal this year is to live in peace no matter the situation.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Simple Christmas
I love the simpleness of Christmas. We try to make it stressful. When you really think about it Christmas is a sweet, calm and joyful thing. Christ birth, a little baby boy born for you and me, no matter how crabby we are. The Christ child's birth should have a calming effect on us, 
he came here to take away our stress, our feelings of loneliness, and our fears. The birth of our savior should bring joyful thoughts for us who will have eternal life with him the risen King. Make this Christmas simple, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise. The Christ Child who was born on Christmas Day
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Time
I love snow, Christmas, Christmas Music, candy, cooking, friends - old and new, family, and the great things the Lord has done for me. Life is hard but God makes things beautiful, lovely, peaceful, joyful and easier sometimes. Enjoy the season......
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The 3 S's
Slowly, steadily,surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. Habakkuk 2:3 I know when we read scripture we are suppose to read the verse in context to the other verses around it, whom it was written for, and all the circumstance that pertain to that book. But sometimes a verse comes out of no where that just hits you between the eyes. How many of us read Habakkuk regularly..... Well this verse hit me the other night, it was in the front of one of my novels I had begun to read. I have seen in my mind our church on this piece of property we bought 5 years ago, as of today we are no closer to building our new church and we don't know why it has not taken place. We started a new business 2 years ago and truly thought that by now it would be making its payments without our own money still going into it. When I read this verse the other night, it was like to Lord was talking to me with answers that I have been looking for. Our visions for church and our business will be fulfilled, it may seem very slow but we are to wait patiently because it will happen. When we know God is in something, but things seems to happen a little slower that we hope for, lots of times we don't wait on his timing. As the first part of the verse says Slowly (requiring more time than usual), Steadily (fixed, stable, not easily moved), Surely (without fail or doubt) the vision will be fulfilled. I don't know what you are waiting on but God does and his timing is perfect, now will you wait for him......
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Holy Night
Think about the night God came down as a baby. We hear the story every year we sing the Christmas songs and yet God has revealed to me this week what a Holy Night it was. The God of the universe came to earth for each of us whether we accept him or not. He came to save us and enjoy our company. I've listened to O Holy Night since birth but as I listened to it this week I have a new feel for the the words of this song. The stars were shining brightly, it was the night of our Saviors birth. The world in all of its sin was awaken when our soul felt his arrival, There is hope, for a brand new day. The holiness of the night causes us to fall on our knees, it was a night that was prophesied before Jesus was conceived. The Baby Jesus arrived to show us to love one another, his law equals love, his Gospel equals peace, our chains are broken and all cruelty, stress, worry should cease.There is joy, gratitude, and praise for Christ is the Lord and we will praise his name forever and proclaim his power and glory for ever and ever.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Be Careful how you say it.....
Last night while talking to my mom I asked her if she knew someone who needed their teeth
x-rayed for free, Audrey needed a patient for school. She then began to ask my step-dad if he needed an x-ray. I heard him say in the background "are you talking to me" she said yes, he said then why didn't you say something so I would know, her reply "something". While I laugh at this, I also know that my mom and step-dad have had to much quality time together lately and it's starting to show. I called my sister to fill her in and she laughed and stated " I have some things to tell you" (shes been painting at their house this week). As I have thought about this today, I wonder if we think that we can hide our true feeling and emotions from our families. If we pay attention to others we usually can notice something is up, and sometimes we ourselves get caught up in the same old habits that we don't notice our harsh tone, our short answers, or quick responses. As the Holiday Season is in full swing and their will be alot of family time, I will be paying attention to my attitude, tone of my voice, and facial expression that I have, so that I can make this a peaceful, joyful and happy time. And remember you never know who may hear what you say and how you say it........
x-rayed for free, Audrey needed a patient for school. She then began to ask my step-dad if he needed an x-ray. I heard him say in the background "are you talking to me" she said yes, he said then why didn't you say something so I would know, her reply "something". While I laugh at this, I also know that my mom and step-dad have had to much quality time together lately and it's starting to show. I called my sister to fill her in and she laughed and stated " I have some things to tell you" (shes been painting at their house this week). As I have thought about this today, I wonder if we think that we can hide our true feeling and emotions from our families. If we pay attention to others we usually can notice something is up, and sometimes we ourselves get caught up in the same old habits that we don't notice our harsh tone, our short answers, or quick responses. As the Holiday Season is in full swing and their will be alot of family time, I will be paying attention to my attitude, tone of my voice, and facial expression that I have, so that I can make this a peaceful, joyful and happy time. And remember you never know who may hear what you say and how you say it........
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