Thursday, November 13, 2014

Work what is it?

Work -"activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result"
Life has a whole takes work, we have to work at our job, we have to work at our church, we have to work at our relationships, we even have to work at our play. Joey and I have been in deep discussion about the life of the church, where it is headed and how do you get people involved.
We fuss about the leadership in the church not getting people motivated and I personally don't get how you can be a member of something and not want to be involved. I told Joey the other night the leadership of the church ought to throw a real shocker to the congregation to wake up everyone that when you come to church on Sunday a lot of work has been put into that 2 hr span. What if, we all showed up at 9, there were no prepared teachers so we didn't have Sunday School, then we went out to our sanctuary and the 400 chairs that are always magically lined up were not put out, and our sound guys decided that they had something to do that morning so they didn't show up, and our music leaders forgot it was there week so they had not prepared any worship music for us to sing, and finally Pastor overslept didn't have his prayer time before the service with some of his elders because they decided to go get breakfast that morning instead. How do you think our service would go? Things don't just happen day to day, there is planning and effort put into. My main question is why is it that people assume that church should get only leftovers from our life. On the average we have probably 200 adults that attend regularly, teens included. If everyone did one job within the church, it would make the world take a look at how we appreciate being able to do the job the church was intended to do, reach the lost. But because of 10% of the people doing 100% of the work, the church is not performing to the best of it ability. I hear what does the church do for me, as a Christian that should never be our first response, we should be saying what is it that "I" am doing for the Gospel. It can be as small as helping set out those 400 chairs every week, staying after church to put them on back up, being a usher, helping with the landscaping twice a year, helping in the nursery, children's church, small groups, Sunday school, fixing the play ground, music, sound, connections, youth group, VBS, missions week, meals for people, visitation to the sick, special events or even as simple as giving out bulletins and saying hello to people as they walk through the doors.
When everyone at their "job" do what they are suppose to do, work gets done. Same goes for the church. I know we don't get paid in monetary means but we will get paid in heavenly rewards when God says well done my good and faithful servant.

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