Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fixing my thoughts

What do you fill your mind with when all is quiet. Pastor ask us this question Sunday, do you fill it with the thoughts of food, sex, business, money, music, tv quotes, or do you try not to think at all.        Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  Philippians 4:8
We have to make our minds think on things.  We choose what we think about, we choose where our minds go. I don't know about you but this is one of the hardest things to conquer as a Christian.  I have a sinful mind, I have sinful thoughts, and I definitely struggle with wanting to control it. Our minds are always bombarded with worldly ways. We stop and think that sounds ok but what does the Bible really say about something.  The ruler of this world likes for us to think on things that are opposite of what the Bible says and masquerade it to feel right.  Look at the verse from his view,
Today I will think about what is true to me, I will look through the eyes of trickery, I will see things as dirty and unkind, I will except mediocre and will not think that anyone but me really deserves the praise. The sad part about this is that we all look and think on things with filtered eyes, our circumstances, our life paths, and unfortunately through media views. We have forgotten how to think with pure motives. I have such a cynical family and it rubs off on each other more than I care to admit. Granted a lot of the reasons are we as humans have been burned to many times, but with Sundays sermon I have realized that I need to be fixing my thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, need to fix my mind on the things of God rather than things not of God. Amen, sister!!
