Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools Day

Today has more meaning for me than just tricking people.  I have never been one for tricks. But 31 years ago Joey and I got married on April Fools Day, Good Friday and a over all cold weekend.  I remember when we decided to get married in two weeks time, first everyone thought I was pregnant (not), second we were just going to run off and Myra fussed at me and said you can have a quite small wedding at church in no time at all (250 no invitations sent out guest, mother ready to kill me) , third Joe (Joeys Daddy) was dying of cancer and we wanted him there, last but not least I knew if I didn't get Joey down the aisle, his mother might try to get him to stay at home a  little longer, LOL.
I told Joey the other day I think that this last year has probably been the hardest of our married life, he on the other hand says so sweetly none of them have been that bad.  He is a forgetful man. Audrey gave me a card yesterday and she wrote thank you for showing us that marriage isn't always a fairy tale, but can work if two people are willing. Happy Anniversary to us....

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