Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My new grandson...

My second grandchild will be a boy!!!YAH!!! Josh said the other day, I was kinda of hoping for a boy because I don't know if I could love another girl like I do Harper. I told him you can but I see and know what he was meaning. They have a very special relationship, one that I am jealous of. He has always thought of her as a little person and treats her that way, this comes with good and bad. She thinks she is an adult and can make adult decisions so of course this is their battle. But her confidence is so high and I attribute that to she feels very loved, especially by her Daddy. Children need to know that they are special in their parents sight. Josh said he watch two documentaries this week and had night mare after them, Ted Bundy and the Natalie & Jordan Vanderslute story. He said that in about all cases of serial killers the one common denominator is they either don't have a Dad or have a abusive Dad. That is why the Bible and God put so much responsibility on Men. I read this week in my Bible Study that David told Solomon on his death bed. " Be strong, show yourself a man, walk & follow all of Gods commands & laws." Todays society could be a much strong society if men would take the responsibly that God intended for them. So now with another male coming into this world he needs to be taught, to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. To cherish his wife and take care of her, to love and teach his children the ways of the Lord, and be kind and respect human beings. If everyone would teach just one child...Wow what a better world it would be...

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